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About Us

American Veterans Network has several goals.  First of all, we hope our platform will encourage and inspire "freedom loving Americans" and communities across the country to take a more active role in honoring and supporting our brave American Veterans.  Many of America’s courageous Veterans are clearly hurting and need our help.  Many others suffer in silence. There’s an old saying, “Even when our Soldiers come Home, they Never come Home the Same”. 


Hundreds of thousands of our Veterans suffer daily with Depression, PTSD or some other type of Mental or Emotional challenge.  Between 6,000 and 8,000 American Veterans, men and women, commit suicide every year.  These numbers could be dramatically reduced if friends, neighbors, communities and individuals like you would take a proactive roll and help connect Veterans and their Families with the resources and support they need.  How do you do that?  Start by telling every Veteran and everyone else you know about the "American Veterans Network"! 

Encourage them to visit our website! is a powerful conduit between all Veterans and the Help and Support they need!  Then, print out a copy of 



available to help them through connect with more help and resources were available to proactively reach out to them.  An estimated 500,000 suffer daily from some form of PTSD and 1.5 million Veterans are either homeless or in danger of becoming homeless.


Many of our nation’s heroes need our help and we believe that thousands of our citizens would be willing and proud to help if they only knew how! 


Although American Veterans Network is self funded and doesn't accept donations, we do promote and inform people across the country of many different “Veteran focused” programs, opportunities and organizations we believe are worthy of your trust and your financial support. 


Our website also provides information, ideas and resources that you can personally use to make a difference in the lives of Veterans right in your own community.  Our brave Veterans were there for us when we needed them most, doesn’t it only make sense that we should be there for them when they need us the most?


Secondly, our website is available 24/7, to support our Veterans and to connect them with important information and resources.  We continually add new content and will be adding additional directories, internet links, phone numbers and addresses of national and local services, programs, resources, and organizations dedicated to assisting our Veterans and their Families from Coast to Coast.


Our platform not only seeks to connect Veterans and their Families with the Physical resources they need,  but also with any Mental and Emotional needs they may have as well.  Many of our brave Veterans not only wrestle with physical trauma, many also wrestle with Mental and Emotional trauma as well.  Many struggle with feelings of rejection and worthlessness without hope and without purpose.  Depression and suicidal tendencies are only a short step away once they reach this point.  Our desire is to encourage our veterans, help them find the hope and purpose they're seeking by connecting them with positive resources, helpful information and various groups and organizations that will challenge them to get involved, make a difference, to set new goals and achieve new heights. 


And lastly, we seek to provide for their Spiritual Needs.  We realize that not everyone wants to go to Heaven but for those that do, we want to make sure that they understand exactly what the Bible says it takes to

get to Heaven!  Way too many veterans have given up on God and the Hope of Heaven simply because they think they're not "Good Enough", they've done too many "Bad Things" or they're just not "Religious Enough".  We enjoy sharing with them the "Good News" of the Gospel and how the Bible makes it so very clear that going to Heaven has NOTHING to do with "Being Good", "Doing Good" or even "Being Religious"! 


God loves us all,  no matter Who we Are, no matter Where we Are and no matter What we've ever Done!  According to the Bible (God's Word), all it takes to get to Heaven and have Eternal Life is to Believe God's Gospel Message and to establish a Personal Relationship with God through His Son Jesus.  We show them exactly how to do this and how to achieve the Everlasting Hope, Joy and Purpose they've only dreamed of!  It's hard to explain the Joy, the Comfort and the Peace that God brings into the lives of all those who put their Faith and Trust in Him.


If you have a genuine concern for Veterans and you want to help Honor, Inform, Equip and Inspire them, then promote this website to Veterans, their families and to everyone.  We believe that everyone can benefit from the information we provide on this site and we hope many will become inspired to reach out to our great American Veterans in many different ways.


We realize that not everyone has access to the internet, and not everyone will be able to directly benefit from our website.  We hope those that do, will educate and challenge others to support our Veterans “one on one” and “face to face”.


We challenge everyone to take an active part in reaching out to Veterans in some small way.  We believe it would make a tremendous difference in the lives of Veterans across the country. 


If you have any questions or comments, you can reach us via the contact page on our website.

Thank You for Your Support,


Keith S. Gilroy, Founder

American Veterans Network

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