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Additional Resources
The DCN Gospel Presentation
The DCN Gospel Presentation begins with a box on the very first page of our website (splash page) and invites our visitors to make sure they know how to get to Heaven. From there it takes them through a series of short videos to help them understand what the Gospel is all about and gives them an opportunity to receive Christ as their Savior. From there, it will give them an opportunity to tell us their story, explain what steps they need to take as a new Christian, how to find a good Church that preaches the Gospel and brings them back full circle to the DCN where they can learn how to use the DCN to start spreading the Gospel around the world just like you.
If you haven't gone through the full DCN Gospel Presentation yet, we recommend that you do that first so that you will be familiar with the presentation that the people you invite to DCN will be going through.
CLICK HERE to begin the presentation.
Visit the DCN Christian Resource Library and Click on the Gospel Category to see more Videos and Articles relating to the Gospel.
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The Great Commission
Jesus final words in Matthew 28:18-20 are known as The Great Commission (we also include Mark 16:15 and Acts 1:8):
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:18-20 (KJV)
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 (KJV)
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8 (KJV)
Jesus' words are a clear command for ALL of His followers to "GO". It was a perpetual command for All His Disciples to spread All of the Gospel to All Nations throughout All Generations, not just for the handful of men standing before Him. Taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world is the duty of every Christian and the most important responsibility we have on Planet Earth. We are God's "Plan A" and there is No "Plan B". Jesus couldn't have made our purpose any clearer by His words and through His own actions. Jesus was all about the Gospel and if we want to be faithful Christians and follow in His footsteps, then we must do the same.
On the other hand, if we choose to ignore His clear command and are not endeavoring to bring men and women to Christ, then how can any of us claim to be right with God?
Sharing the Gospel
Although we have a clear command to share the Gospel with the world, many Christians interpret that as a responsibility to make sure that we get people Saved. It would be great if EVERYONE we shared the Gospel with accept it and got Saved right then and there, but that is not normally the case. The "Great Commission" instructs us to share the Gospel, not to get people Saved, that’s God’s job! Of course we always want to give the best presentation of the Gospel we can and compel the lost to accept Christ as their Savior as soon as possible, but "our time" may not be "their time". God expects us to plant the "seeds" of the Gospel so He can do His part and feed, water and give light to those seeds. When Christians don't clearly understand the difference between our role and God's role, it is easy for them to get discouraged in their witnessing because they tend to become “results-oriented” instead of “commission-oriented”.
It often happens like this, a Christian takes advantage of an opportunity to share the Gospel with someone but in spite of their best efforts, that individual rejects the Gospel and chooses not to get Saved. As the Christian steps away from the encounter, they begin to have feelings of rejection, failure, frustration and guilt because they just weren’t good enough to persuade that individual to accept Christ. As they continue to witness to others and experience similar results, they gradually become discouraged, reluctant to even mention the Gospel and eventually end up taking a seat on the “side lines” along with all the rest of the “results-oriented” Christians.
This will never happen to you as long as you realize that your primary mission is to do two things; share the Gospel and help make disciples of those who choose to become Christians, not to try to force results. When you share the Gospel with someone and they choose not to become a Christian, you have not failed, you have succeeded in doing exactly what God wants you to do. Every time you take advantage of an opportunity to share the Gospel, regardless of the outcome, it’s like getting a “high-five”, from everyone in Heaven! Although we may not see immediate results of our witness, who know what God might be able to do in the future with the seeds that we plant in the hearts and minds of people. Not every seed that we plant in the ground will grow will it? What if we plant only one tomato seed in the ground and it does not grow? Do we just give up and say, “This whole farming thing just doesn’t work!”? On the other hand, what is likely to happen if we plant a thousand tomato seeds? The fewer seeds we plant, the smaller our harvest will be. The more seeds we plant, the greater our harvest potential will be. That’s why Digital Christian Network.com is such a powerful resource when it comes to sharing the Gospel because with DCN you have the ability to plant an unlimited number of seeds!
Now of course we should pray for those who reject the Gospel, continue to invite them to Digital Christian Network.com, continue to invite them to church or invite them to contact you personally (depending on the situation) if they should ever change their mind. No matter what however, we should always endeavor to be “commission-oriented” and view every opportunity to share the Gospel as a victory!
Visit the DCN Christian Resource Library and Click on the Gospel Category to see more Videos and Articles relating to the Gospel.
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